Sunday, 09 March, 2025

Overview of the Child Safeguarding and Protection Service

Overview of the Child Safeguarding and Protection Service

The Child Safeguarding and Protection Service (CSPS) of the Archdiocese of Dublin was established in 2003 to provide a compassionate response to those who experienced abuse as children within a church context and to ensure implementation of Church and national child protection policies and procedures. In 2016 its remit was extended to include vulnerable adults. Currently the Service has four functions:

  • The creation and maintenance of safe environments for children and vulnerable adults involved in Church activities. This is done through the provision of training and advice on best safeguarding practice;
  • Providing a pastoral service to those affected by abuse, both those who were abused and their families. This involves providing them with an opportunity to tell their story in an atmosphere of acceptance and respect, linking them in with appropriate services and maintaining contact with them in accordance with their wishes;
  • Management of cases involving allegations of abuse against clerics of the Archdiocese. This involves ensuring the civil authorities are notified of all such allegations, that the appropriate procedures are followed and that immediate steps are taken to minimise any current risk to children or vulnerable adults;
  • The provision of a vetting service for the parishes, offices and schools of the Archdiocese and for some other non-diocesan organisations.

Andrew Fagan is the Director of the CSPS and the designated liaison person (DLP) for the Archdiocese of Dublin. The DLP receives all allegations of abuse and ensures that they are dealt with appropriately. Andrew is a social worker [Registered Number SW000366]. He can be contacted on the main office number: 01 8360314 or by email at:

Deirdre Donnelly is the Safeguarding and Support Officer and deputy DLP. Deirdre is a social worker [Registered Number SW003371]. She can be contacted on the main office number: 01 8360314 or by email at:

Fr Richard Shannon is the Priest Delegate. He is responsible for coordinating the diocesan response to those clerics against whom allegations have been made. He can be contacted on the main office number: 01 8360314 or by email at:

Vivienne Knight coordinates the vetting service. She can be contacted on the main office number: 01 8360314 or by email at:

Garry Kehoe is the Training and Compliance Manager. He organises training and provides advice to parishes and diocesan agencies. He can be contacted on the main office number: 01 8360314 or by email at:

Priest Advisers provide support for accused clerics and can be contacted through the Priest Delegate.